Benefits of HTIW – An Overview

High Temperature Insulation Wools are used in high-temperature applications in many industries including:


  • ferrous and non-ferrous metals
  • glass and ceramic
  • chemical and petrochemical
  • automotive and aerospace
  • power generation
  • domestic appliances

High Temperature Insulation Wools are technically essential in many production processes/applications:

  • emission control in vehicles (diesel particulate filters, catalytic converters)
  • lightweight fire protection (fast ferries, aircraft, spacecraft)
  • laboratory high-temperature equipment (chromatography, furnaces)
  • reinforcement of metals (lightweight pistons)
  • fuel cells

High Temperature Insulation Wools are economically necessary in many production processes/properties/applications:

  • high-efficiency, high-temperature furnaces
  • production of graphite fibers used in windmills
  • hot gas filtration

Automotive Applications

The automotive industry is affected both directly as an energy user and indirectly by the expected increase in price for energy and energy-intensive pre-products. Many small and medium-sized combustion plants at the automotive industry’s production sites are run in order to generate thermal heat for production processes and waste air purification. Since the 1970s, products made of High Temperature Insulation Wool have been used as support mats to accurately embed in the ceramic substrates for catalytic converters and diesel particulate filters into the exhaust gas systems and protect them from mechanical damage. Furthermore the support mat insulates the exhaust system and reduces heat emission to the outside, decreasing the thermal loads and increasing the system’s durability.

Energy Efficiency of Industrial Furnaces

HTIWs play a critical role in controlling high temperatures and reducing fuel consumption. Estimated annual savings are 27.8 million barrels of oil or nearly $1.5 billion, representing up to 50% savings in energy over furnaces operating with conventional refractory linings. Construction and Energy Loss Depending on the temperature inside the furnace, its walls will be composed of one or more layers of refractory materials, insulation material and blocking air layers. The choice of these refractory materials is made according to technical criteria and economic perspectives.