Product Stewardship Program

The HTIW Coalition promotes a Product Stewardship Program (PSP) composed of these key elements:

PSP Stewardship chart

The PSP is designed to assist in the evaluation, control and reduction of workplace exposure to airborne fibers. Program recommendations are intended to help ensure the proper handling, manufacture, storage, use and disposal of HTIW and HTIW products.


The HTIW Coalition has a comprehensive communication program to provide employees and users with up-to-date information on proper handling practices for HTIW-products, health research and exposure guidelines.

Since the 1970s, products made of High Temperature Insulation Wool have been used as support mats to accurately embed in the ceramic substrates for catalytic converters and diesel particulate filters into the exhaust gas systems and protect them from mechanical damage. Furthermore the support mat insulates the exhaust system and reduces heat emission to the outside, decreasing the thermal loads and increasing the system’s durability.

Workplace Monitoring

Workplace exposure potentials can vary widely, even for similar applications. It is extremely important that users periodically monitor their workers and workplace areas to determine actual fiber exposure levels.

Exposure Assessments

A key element of the PSP is the evaluation of workplace exposure levels, The HTIW CoalitionĀ“s industrial hygienists can advise user industries on engineering controls and respiratory protection programs.

Study of Workplace Controls

Over the past several years, The HTIW Coalition has invested considerable effort in the evaluation of effective engineering controls and handling practices in its members’ own production facilities to control the levels of airborne fibers. Many of these techniques can also be used economically and effectively in the user industries’ workplaces.

Health Effects Research

One of the most important activities of the PSP is the design and sponsorship of health effects research programs. The HTIW Coalition is a major sponsor of several health studies designed to determine the potential long-term health effects of inhalation exposure to HTIW fibrous dust.

Product Research

The HTIW Coalition members remain dedicated to programs that develop products and systems for the effective reduction of the risk of disease. To date, these development programs have resulted in several new products which have less potential to generate airborne fibers or which have low biopersistence.

Special Studies

Other programs are underway or researched to help ensure the continued proper use of HTIW. The HTIW CoalitionĀ“s members remain committed to programs that help ensure the continued proper use of their products.